After attracted by the gorgeous night sky and a majority of pretty picture which captured by photographer,I was totally enticing by the photography recently><~
I had played the photography before when I was in junior school.But,it was only by learning about basic photography knowledge from some magazines and websites.Playing photography with my "Pro-sumer Camera" at that time(It was entirely out-date and old-school camare now): Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-S60,be enjoying in shot as fun always.
Now,I am back.Enthuse in photography again.I am deciding for get a DSLR as my old Sony Cyber-Shot really can't afford in satisfy my higher requirement in photo now.Canon 350D,Canon 400D,Sony A200,Olympus E300,E410.Those are the type of DSLR which I am confusing with them now. Have anyone can give some opinion to me in choosing DSLR?and another problem is I am poor now~T_T
Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-S60 1/25s ISO100 f/2.8 Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-S60 1/15s ISO100 f/2.8 There are upcoming my first exam for senior three.It will be one of important part to me in depend my further.Wish can get a good result on it.Gambateh!^^
"Star!star!~",when I heard a screaming sound from my cousin who was just come back from the my house's ground,I finally found out what a pretty night sky was out of there.
Hence,I quickly grab my equipment and burst into my car without any consideration.It was around 9.00pm,I was driving my car move around and trying to find out a best place where most suitable to me to observe at the night sky.Luckily,I had found out a right place in short. As expected,there had a clear night sky rather than my house's garden a lot.I took out my equipment and build up it steady.
First,I aim to catch on Orion which always be the easiest constellation can be found as its "three stars belt".I tried to capture it directly without any setting,but it was failed,indeed.After that,I changed to Manual function and set the exposure time going to 30seconds.Wow!That's great,I can saw the "three stars belt" had been totally captured on my photo!But it was still hard to see another stars which around it.Next,I changed my camera ISO up to 400 and try to shoot out it again.Oops~finally,however there was produced a lot of noisiness on my photo as its high ISO,but it was totally distinct than before.
After I found out the skill on setting up my camera to catch a better night sky photo,I continually focus to Taurus,Canis Major after the Orion.In end,I leave from there at 10.20pm after I finished whole of work.It was a great experience.I am much more pay my love on the night sky than before after this attempt.I mind to get a DSLR soon to gain the greater photo!Yeah^^
The next generation of Microsoft Windows Mobile OS - Version 6.5 after a long distance of rumors,finally been unveiled by Microsoft at the Mobile World Congress 2009 which exhibiting at the Barcelona during 16 to 19 February.
"Everything is now finger friendly,"
said Scott Rockfeld, group product manager for Windows Mobile.He claimed that these are the words which most suitable to describe to the new windows mobile os,WM6.5.That means it is not surprised at the user interface of WM6.5 had been totally changed into a "stylus-free" interface which seem like iPhone.Most item and icon on the WM6.5 are become large enough to be clicked with a finger on a touch screen rather than selected with a stylus or by pushing buttons to navigate through menus which always needed to do on the previous version.
Otherwise,there are some big change that Microsoft done in WM6.5 are,the start button, rather than launching a menu in a list or a row of icons, opens up a new honeycomb design. Microsoft has also developed a new way to efficiently use the home screen when it's locked.(actually just seem like iPhone that one,haha^^)The new version of Internet Explorer Mobile had been revealed in WM6.5 too.It was coming a big change than the previous version.Indeed,IE Mobile also based on the aim of WM6.5-"finger friendly".
"Touching a magnifying glass icon opens a bar on one side of the screen for zooming in or out of on an area of the Web page. Touching and dragging moves the page around the screen, with a small square at the bottom depicting where the current view is within the larger page."
That can be simply knew IE Mobile will make a great efficiently on using too.
Apparently,the user interface of new version Windows Mobile,WM6.5,already has a potential to put Microsoft in closer competition with devices like iPhone,Palm Pre and also the Google G1 too.Last but not least,Microsoft also announced WM6.5 will appear in phones early in the second half of the year.Let's us giving a great applause to Microsoft,it was done a good work this time,announced a 6.5version and being perpared for the WM7.
Comet Lulin is approaching to our earth with a high speed recently,it will be getting reach at its most brightest state around 15/2 to 22/2.Hence,there are some days that most suitable for the astronomy enthusiast observe to it,there are 16/2,24/2 and 27/2.These days are the most suitable night to observe at the Comet Lulin is because of in those days,Comet Lulin will nearly "cross over" to some bright star.Thus,we can more easily observe the Comet Lulin by according that some bright star which will be pass through by Comet Lulin.
Here some picture that showing how the Comet Lulin pass those bright star: Click image to enlarge:
It was an exciting week for Intel, as it revealed that it has skipped over parts of its roadmap, dumping certain processors and going straight to the next iteration.
Prior Intel roadmaps did not mention Core i7 processors faster than the existing 3.2-GHz 965 Extreme Edition, but in the second quarter of this year we’ll see a Core i7-975 as the new flagship at 3.33 GHz. The regular Core i7 product line will also receive a speed bump -- the Core i7-950 will close the gap between the 2.93 GHz Core i7-940 processor and the Core i7-965 Extreme edition, providing a 3.06 GHz clock speed.
Early in the week, Intel held a press event in San Francisco showing that it plans to “leap ahead” with 32-nm CPUs in the fourth quarter of 2009, which it said will be Clarkdale processors with integrated graphics. Havendale, which should have been the first product with integrated graphics, disappeared. The Clarkdale multi chip package will consist of the 32-nm CPU paired with a 45-nm graphics unit.
Google Chrome had already announced sometime ago,but it is still just windows-only edition is available.Google giving us a surprise now,Google will getting reveal a Mac Edition or ever a Linux edition Google Chrome too,the company claim that.
According to Google,they claim that Google Chrome for Mac is in development and a team of engineers is working hard to bring it to us as soon as possible.Just on the early saturday,one of the Google Chrome engineer had revealed a screenshot which showing the Google Chrome running at the MacOS.Apparently,it seem like still can't accurately display the website when using it.However,Google's engineers will continually take a hard work on it until a prefect edition had been finally revealed in front of our sight and they also point out it will been announced not later than July 2009.
Otherwise,if anyone just vexedly want to try the Google Chrome for Mac or Linux,Crossover Chromim will giving a answer to you.
Here got a interesting picture that quote from Future Shop,one of the online selling website at Canada.According to this picture,it was showing that Starcraft II will be available on May 31,2009 and it was also revealing that Starcraft II will be selling in two package,they were normal edition and collector's edition.Normal edition was selling at 59.99CAD(after convert into MYR,it will be about RM180) and another one was 99.99CAD(About RM300),seem like quite expensive enough.
Otherwise,Activision Blizzard,the company which produce the Starcraft II,had already claimed that Starcraft II will be annouced at 2009 before.Furthermore,Activision Blizzard will be attend to the E3 2009 fair and there were some rumors claimed that Blizzard might be surely annouced the Starcraft II's put on sale date during the E3 fair. Hence,it seem like the advertisement from the Future Shop is not just a fake rumor.
However,from the below of that picture,it was said that "Price and release date have not yet been finalized and are subject to change without notice".What is the true meaning about those words?Expecting^^
India had started a 10USD netbook project today(3 February 2009) for improving their million students computing ability purpose.R.P. Agrawal,senior secretary of India high education,claim that 10USD netbook will be available on six months later.After the period of testing,the netbook will be surely selling at 10USD and it will be a great convenient for the parents to buy a netbook to their children.Otherwise,The India's government had already supported 0.9billion USD into this project.
However,the detail of the 10USD netbook is still rare now.According the rumor,10USD netbook will be have 2GB RAM and support for the wireless network(is it crazy?10USD include those?),but it is still a guess and the India had never reveal the original 10USD netbook look before.
How will be a 10USD netbook look like?Even a 4GB pendrive has expensive than it?No idea on it,seem like such a joke(As the OLPC,Intel's 300USD notebook programs all fail together,how can we trust this incredible 10USD netbook program?)~Haha! Let's look torward about it!
Here got a special clock selling at Etsy same with the picture above.I believe everyone already found out why I call it "A Clock For Math's Geek".On this clock,we can't find any ordinary number on it and there are replace by a lot of symbol which usually using in Add.Math or computer programing.