During the school holidays,I had found out that there would be held on a Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT)-One of the greatest university in the world,its undergraduate admissions talk at KL from the newspaper.This talk had been held by MIT Club of Malaysia,due to introduce the instruction of apply to study at MIT for all the Malaysia students who got the interest to study at there.No doubt,I determined on attend to this talk.(MIT is actually the top rank in my dreamy school list)
I tried to find some friends to accompany me,but it was totally failed.Thus,it was became my own trip exactly-the only one person trip.I started my trip by taking the train at 4.05pm friday.After about a five hours journey,I was finally arrived to the KL Central:

After that,I contacted to my cousin who had lived at KL due to find out a place to have a rest.
Next day morning,I waked up early and took leave of my cousin.I went to the "Royal Selangor Golf Club"where the place that admissions talk would be held on by taxi.

When I arrived there,the talk was just started.I quickly found out a sit and listened it quietly.

It was a great talk.It talked about the school life in MIT,the details of the application and how a student can improve his chances to study in MIT.As expected,it was a hard job for the MIT admission.Basically,the application requirements are:
Part1: Biographical informationPart2: Tests,activities and essaysTwo teacher evaluationsSecondary school reportFinancial and materialsInterviewBut it is definitely not easy to prepared that.Beside tests(Actually the tests result is the most important part,but I think every students who decided to apply to MIT will work hard to get closer to the FULL MARK in their SAT I,II and Toefl tests.),MIT need geek.Why I call them geek?Because almost all students who had been succeed admited to the MIT have a splendid extracurricular activities during the secondary school.How they did that?Example,they mostly were a leader in some school club and at least won a national or international award in science area.

As conclusion,MIT is a place for a group of genius to explore their life.This talk was made a great inspiration to me.What a amazing life is over there!I must work hard to improve everything on myself,especially my english == Just let it be,go ahead,don't be fear!
Who just wish to know more about the admissions of MIT,can just be contact to me.I am pleased to help too.