Once again, Steve and his fellow team members wound up the 'Back to the Mac' event at an unique day of 20/10/2010 morning. I should say, the protogonist of this thread is going to be totally different. I'm not going to extol how amazing and gratifying of the new Macbook Air. Nor I'm trying to acclaim the glamorous sneak peek of the upcoming major release: Mac OS X Lion. Instead, I would like to sputter out how those crucial steps, which Apple currently working on, will drastically change our daily life strides. Of course, within the confine of my own perspective and conjecture.
First of all, in order to uncover the ultimate secret behind the Apple, let's list down what Apple going to surprise us after the 'Back to the Mac' annoucements:-Mac Apps Store-Mac OS X Lion with tons of new features mimicking from iOS-FaceTime between Mac and iPhone as well as iPod-An ever user-friendly and powerful iLife 11'Alright, those are the major factors that I gonna concentrate on throughout my following analysis. As we know, in retrospect, after the successful releases of iPhone, iPods and of course iPad, Apple was hopping from a dying Apple Computer (Personal Computer-based company) to today Apple lnc. which all of its products incessantly flood everywhere of our lives.
Guess what? Ok, fancy a scenario something like that: You were a Windows user. But one day, you were enamored of the fascinating iPhone and you got one into your pocket. Since then, you were enjoying happily of downloading tons of Apps through iTunes 10' and next figured out that it was quite unsatisfying to sync your iPhone with Windows Edition of iTunes 10' as there are not available iPhoto, iCal and so forth to get things prefect. Soon, it turned out that: You bought a Macbook and cast away your Windows. All the stuffs went well afterwards before you stumbled across iPad. It dawned on you that you 'might' need a iPad to fit a gap between the Macbook and iPhone (Steve: Exactly you need). You know, especially when you were hypnotized by the privilege of tracking the stock market or get your stuffs done just by laying at the sofa. Undoubtedly, you added it into your order list. Wait a minute, what's next? Sorry for the little bit fussy story(Ok..I know I'm over bragged about that) but I guess the following gadgets will come to mind are: Macbook Air, AppleTV, iMac, iPods..what else?
Perhaps, some of you may resonate with me, maybe not. Whatever, what I was trying to convey is not how those rich people spending their money. I just wanna simply unveil the Apple's knack of enthralling us into its world in reality. And it's astonishingly effective. Apple creates a kindred 'connection bridge' between all of its products. We are always able to share, sync and reorganize our files, music, video, Apps between its various products without any effort. It provides us a sense of mobility, flexibility and accessibility of our important data. Moreover, the upcoming AirPlay, FaceTime on Mac, Mac OS X Lion and so on will further enchance customers' experience of the connection bridge. AirPlay for sharing file wirelessly without complicated configuration, FaceTime for 'face to face' connecting with your friends ad lib, no matter you're in toliet using your iPhone to show how bad you're or in the kitchens using your iPhone to teach him how to cook whereas he's doing his assignment with Mac in the room. It will be not surprise to divine a new iPad with FaceTime intergrated coming soon. Mac OS X Lion, mimicking a sort of impressive features from iOS, consumers will have the sense of familiarity when switching between iOS and Mac and it turns out to become the ever-user-friendly operating system. As a result, it's obvious that that 'connection bridge' indirectly(or directly) coax the consumers into embracing all of its products en masse and people just foolishly follow it. Ok, the first point, check.
"We have been improving it with every major release. We're very happpy with the Snow Leopard. But we know how to take it ever further." Steve Jobs

Next, Apps Store. It's no doubt that Apps Store has led Apple toward a lion's share of market since it announced. 'Over 7 Billion Apps had been downloaded from Apps Store', there doesn't exist any corporation in the world is able to stack up against Apple at this point. Apps Store is feverishly successful and now Apple brings it to Mac. But why? What actually Apps Store benefits us?
This occasion inadvertently hit my mind to recall the story of Palm OS. Eight years before, Palm OS was the most famous and popular mobile platform as well as PDA platform in the world. I was in part of it. User friendly GUI, stable and secure operating system, more important, a sea of applications and developers flourished the splendid moment of Palm OS at that time. Thinking back, it's weird but fact that people always eager to get more functions in a single device even they will never use it. Apple knows what consumer needs. The announcement of Apps Store apparently stuffed up the hunger of that psychological phenomenon.
Apple released the SDK(Software Development Kit) of iOS to developers once the the first generation of iPhone had been unveiled. In a short time, thousands of software developers were obsessed by the relatively easiest coding system and the best way to distribute their earnest applications. Low cost and less effort. They flocked toward it to be the first to trigger the handsome income from the Apps Store. Vice versa, the consumer segment. Instead of spending much of time to keep 'googling' the apps that they eager to have. Thanks for the developers, with the tremendous amount of apps exist in Apps Store, consumers are able to choose and grab their beloved apps just by tapping few simple clicks on a neat and well-organized list. As you can see, it's not just benefit in the particular fraction of the whole progress, but it works out with a win-win situation for both consumer and developer. In the same case, we can easily to foresee that Mac Apps Store will going to weave another fairy tale in the IT market. Mac Apps Store will be another threshold to reinvent/subvert the new/traditional way of purchasing a software. It will going to be rampant, historical and people will inevitably thrill about it. So, what are you waiting for?
Be the first to earn a bucket of asset and pop up your apps in the top ten list!
In corollary, Apple is now getting better and overwhelmingly dress all its rivals down. Apple drives by its creativity, innovation, fresh angle of view and so forth. Apple was no longer just a technologic manufacturer. You know, it's Apple, not an ordinary apple. Apple has already become a fashion brand - it creates a contagious phenomenon or a sence of superiority which billions of 'Fans' take great relish in its products and bindly/foolishly follow it. People could hardly immune for that. Still, it makes people feel good with it!
Last, what's next for Apple?
this or
this? Check it out :)
(Photo source: Engadget)