Hoping and wishing, wishing and hoping. I couldn't help wondering that I finally completed my Asian Science Camp 2010 journey. A journey like dreaming, which pierces through my mind everyday, every minute, every second and this dream will never stop. It is really very difficult to convey all of the amazing moments at ASC 2010 right here by using the combinations of words and sentenses. If there have a ranking to cite out the best moment in my 19-year-old life, ASC 2010 would inevitably reveal at the top of my mind!
Here is only the fraction of my 'official' reflection of Asian Science Camp 2010, of course, more interesting stories will catch up soon. Stay tuned :D

The fourth Asian Science Camp was held in Mumbai, India. The previous camps were successfully held at Taipei (2007), Bali (2008), Japan (2009). One hundred and ninety eight students from seventeen countries across Asia and ten distinguished scientists including two Nobel laureates participated in the camp. At the Asian Science Camp, the students get an opportunity to engage in discussion and dialogue with top scholars in the world and also to interact with their peers from other Asian countries. The program includes plenary lectures and camps which are small group interactive sessions. This is followed by a poster competition in which teams composed of students from different countries collaboratively make posters inspired by the talks and discussions with the leaders.
On 15 August 2010, Malaysia delegates to the ASC 2010 gathered at KLIA for our departure to Mumbai, India. They were Bessima (Kolej Mara), Afiqah (Kolej Mara), Jannah (UKM), Azrul (UM), Fatin(UT Mara), See Peng(USM) and me. Puan Ima from Kolej MARA Banting was assigned to supervise us along our trip to ASC 2010. Before departure, we were briefed and given useful guidance by Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Jamil Maah.
We came back from Mumbai, India on the 23 August 2010 as entirely different individuals. The nine-day life spent at the Asian Science Camp 2010 really lead me to the literally life-changing experience.
During the lectures and camps, we were given the chance to learn and even discuss various recent scientific issues and topics with inspirational and idealistic scientists and Nobel Laureates. Those discussions and lectures forced my perspective to dilate many times over. Instead of thinking in feet and miles, suddenly my nineteenth-year-old mind was trying to consider millions of light years, curved space, hopping from Quantum Mechanics to Quark Model and back to the molecules of our body. Naturally, I was not entirely successful, but more important, the experience plunged me into a new realm of thought, visions of the vast science aspect floating in my mind.
At first, thinking of some latest topics that newly introduced, such as ‘Green Supercritical Fluids’ by Prof. Martyn Poliakoff. I delved into the obvious questions of ultimate meaning, an exceedingly elusive goal. Yet because of this errant speculation, my mind was churning with lots of new perspectives, which impelled me to have a totally fresh angle to find out the never-ending exploration of the natural phenomena. Apart from the scientific topics and lectures, Prof. Richard Ernst’s lecture ‘ Universities: The incubators of responsible and visionary leaders of society’ led our mind burst into the other kind of view on science research. From this lecture, we were reminded again of the important of ethic and attitude when we’re learning about science. Moreover, as the future generation, we must have the imperative responsibility to act so that the consequences of our action are compatible with the permanence of genuine human life on this planet.
On the 4th day of the camp, we had an excursion at the southern tip of the island city of Mumbai where the Tata Institute Fundamental Research Centre (TIFR), one of the premiere science research institutes of the country is located. During our excursions, we were given the precious opportunity to visit and witness the real-running laboratories inside the research centers, which those just normally can be see via textbooks in classes. By observing and listening from the researchers explained about the various laboratories, it really spiced up our mind of knowing the ultimate essence and goal of science research. What’s more, those gorgeous facilities inevitably rose up our interest to devote ourselves to scientific research as well.
On the other hand, Asian Science Camp not just only aiming to further encourage our interest in the exploration and researching of pure science knowledge, but also provides us with best opportunity to expose us into the Asian community in specific, and the world in general. From the process of discussing scientific topic to the simple daily conversation, we were able to interact and learn a lot from each other, enjoy the amazement of cross-country friendship. Even after few weeks of Asian Science Camp, we still stay connecting together by using Internet social application everyday.
Overall, more than ever, I gravitated toward science. Before went to the Asian Science Camp, I had been interested in science because it was tidy, neat. Suddenly, that interest was ablaze with a passion for truth, knowledge, and not just in science. Asian Science Camp 2010 incited me to contemplate truly for the first time to reevaluate my fundamental ability and ponder over my future life, which have become more confident and distinct than ever.
Written by Shyh Tzer Lau, David.