When I incessantly stumbled across a sort of my fellow juniors' graduation photo recently, it suddenly burned my mind with a prossession of my high school scenario - a wonderful memory amused with lots of gaffe, disgrace and topsy-turvy. And yet it's dreadful and darned: Time just flows too fast for me to realize that it has been one year of time since I graduated from my lovely high school. While I tried to recall every piece of my mind to scrutinize them, I eventually got that: Instead of continously discovering myself, like what I did thoughout my past-eighteen-year life. I transformed. Of course, it was not the way how Transformers transform themselves but the way of fundamentally changing on my mindset which I didn't ever perceive before.
My intense desire is unanimously the best thing that I ever found of myself. It always intuitively drives me to overcome bunch of hindrance and rid me of being pessimistic. Frankly speaking, in past, my desire was bound up with fame, prestige and fortune. It was morbid and terrible. I was just like, did a thing mechanically because of 'something' or screwing up so badly for the sake of getting 'something', I couldn't find what it really meant to me afterwards. You know what, what our societies really inoculate to us is merely a scripted, lock-step curricula. It has been in the process of polarization and turns out to create a tyrannic phenomenon which hypnotize people to just follow the rules that something like: We're desperate in winning the competition to embroider our C.V. to get prettier, we struggle so hard in study because of getting a fat university admission, we go ballistic over work in order to get earning more and more incentive. And the cruel fact after all is simple as that: We're there, we 'ought to' breathe under this kind of spineless, grueling and rigid cage. I would say, most of us. WE LOST SOMETHING ELSE.
Ok, I know, I'm a little agitated at this point. The CAGE makes people just do because people told them to do, other people also do and worse, eventually they feel - it 'has to' do, even people had a great disinclination to cope with it at first. Guess what? Mediocrity. Yes, it makes us absolutely mediocre. We lost our individual character, emblematic personality, potential creativity, remarkable diversity, self-improvisation and more to name few. Hence, without them, what else we left? A solid machine produced by the other prototype of machine with a big and splashy ISO mark.
We must, before setting out our head start, ask our inner voice, true heart, what the thing really meant to you? In term of our interest, responsibility and right, but not in term of benefit, acquisition and seducement. In order word, BE YOURSELF. You're the master of your fate. Ask and analyse always, your inner voice will be the beacon of light for yourself. Follow your heart and do the thing that you love or love the thing that you do (Ponder over it).
I know in most of the time, in real world, it's always tough to reach the win-win situation. But if there have a choice, even just as tiny as nothing, choose and try for it. I do believe we're always able to at least make a gratifying balance between ourselves and reality. Just have to tenaciously believe it.
Right now, after the intuitive speculation, my desire was gradually transformed. It was not longer a matter of getting A or B in my final exam paper, nor the matter of Mum: Son, could you help.. Me in reluctant: Yes, mum.., but the matter of treading my path softly without cognitive dissonance, and also the matter of fulfilling my responsibility without any nausea. My desire lead me to learn, to improve and to strive because it serves my self-mental-comtentment. I disentralled from the cage of society, high school and myself. I gonna love the thing that I do. Anything else is secondary.
Second point, a quite straight forward idea that I truely wish to convey to all my fellow friends - Living as a Learning Process. Nowadays, it's obvious to see a lot of books, stuffs talking about: Self-motivation, Secret of Success, Grasp your Dream...blak,blak blak and all that. Definitely, we're always encouraged to think big, to weave your dream, to sputter out your ultimate goal. Nevertheless, there exist an underlying notion that people, especially the young generation, didn't catch up - The fundamental and basic. If you want to create another Facebook, please learning from HTML, if you want to probe into the mysterious Cosmic Microwave Background(CMB), please learning from Physics. The rule is simple as that. But a majority of people are more likely to be vehement to find out a 'short-cut' to boost up their vigorous ambition. Don't be too anxious to get overdo it, you may be somehow cruise near to the destination, but it will go haywire in once since your pillar and prop was not durable enough to handle with it. Worse, it will mess up and eradicate your previous effort. Thus, be step-by-step, keep looking and don't get pissed off. Don't just think and talk but plan and do. Have a clear picture of how to embody our quixotic dream into reality but not just dilly-dally in your house and wait for the bottle of accomplishment falling from the fixed, sturdy roof. Start learning thoroughly from the fundamental will show your the distinct direction of getting the seamless connection toward your ladder of success.
Last, again, Living as a Learning Process. As a youth, we should seize on any opportunity to learn thoughout our daily life. Oops, no..no..no.., don't get me wrong. I didn't compel your to keep reading the book page by page or crunching the dictionary utterly. The definition of 'learn' is far more not just limited in having a hands-on experience of E-banking system, getting an overview of
As it's tale, so it's life.
So..Hey dude, how life treat your recently?