Sprang out from my bed while whole of my family had gone for Johor Bahru for a shooting of new year stuffs, swayed back to my desk with the chicken rice that packed by mum, embarked on all the formality - Firefox, Gmail, Facebook, Wall Street Journal. It's the dawn of my little bit shabby Christmas Day. When all the tavern, alley and everywhere in the town were full with revelry, riot last night because of this domestic, gift-giving but getting more commercialized holiday, I was particularly immune. No boisterous count down, no mirthful celebration. Extremely quiet and ordinary.
Haha. I'm not being autistic. Neither has it distracted me from studying nor has it recalled my dreadful trauma. I just simply have the leaning to decamp from all the agonizing stuffs and indulge myself into a real relaxing state. Leaving my fingers down on my keyboard to think about what that hell I was doing recently.
I just wound up my first semester in Taylor's University - RMIT University Bachelor of Computer Science lately. People might wonder the weird part of my course - the name. Actually it's a twinning program or so-called a partnership degree program between Taylor's University and RMIT University. In simple words, it means that the course students are pursuing their RMIT University Degree in Taylor's University Campus. The course students are having the same study curriculum and privilege no matter they're studying in Taylor's Campus or RMIT Campus. Thus, course students are free to transfer to RMIT Campus if they have the bent.
Of course, like any Computer Science course in any other Australia universities, we're required

Otherwise, I was selected as one of the twelve winners in IT@Green Photography Competition which is part of the Taylor's Bario Community Project. My awarded photo will be printed with my name in a 2011 calender for the charity purpose and a press interview with New Strait Time (A local daily newspaper) regarding the Bario Project will be featured soon as well. Thanks for all kind of earnest attention, I have the inkling of surprise that my trivial contribution would turn out to be so imperative afterwards.
I will going back to job segment next monday in order to cope with my devastating bailout. And keep screwing up with few personal projects that I'm currently working on. Keep strengthening my own pillar and prop. It will be awesome if I got any chance to share with you all in later time. I need all your support, dude :) .Since I had completed the Oracle Database Workshop during the school semester, I'm now seeking the time(Frankly, the money) to proceed to the certification exam which will going to cost me USD125 in first paper but it's no doubt to be totally worthy after all.
Some mumbling: Actually I'm in the a roaring progress of cruising my direction to the other beacon of light which will going to be another trail-blazing and life-changing milestone for me. Desperate and desirous. Stay tuned :)
Right at the end of this fervent holiday, again, wish everyone Merry Christmas and all the best!
As there is a dream, so there is a hope.