So, what does it mean? I started to spurn away the mechanical lifestyle that I used to follow up since I had gotten myself back to work - repeatedly having the classical-city-fast food in daily basic and doing the same thing at the same time everyday. It was cool and steady but lack of spark. I spend 40 hours per week in Klang where is a suburban town far away from the downtown. Unlike the major Cantonese-English speaking city, it's a Chinese-Hokkien speaking and relatively traditional town. I wandered around the stalls and went to the Pasar Malam to enjoy a variety of rustic foods. It really provides me a sense of familiarity while I'm 240miles away from my hometown, the familiar taste and smell.
I went to several places in Kuala Lumpur lately where I further realized that there do have a slew of fascinating places are out of there in Malaysia, even just within the boundary of the main city. I would say, I do have a great relish to stay at high-tech city, but the experience of throwing myself into those traditional and rich-cultural places somehow spontaneously lead myself toward a new era -a philosophic approach to life. I can't really depict out the chemical changes behind that notion, but it's quite true. I would strongly recommend anyone to seize on the free time to live out your life without the creature comfort that you're used to, you will be able to get ahead of the curve and understand the impact of difference.

I had been confirmed a place as a counsellor on the upcoming MICSS Science Camp in Chong Hwa High School, Kuala Lumpur. It's going to be my third appearance on the said science camp following up my past participations. What to expect? Tons of fun! =)
Cheer for my Hong Kong friends who wound up their HKALE in few weeks ago. Really wish them to successfully achieve their (satisfied/expected?) results and dash toward their dream schools. No more dilemma. Enjoy your summer time :)
Sony Malaysia announced its new employee scheme last week (Finally) to enhance its poor managment system - from my angle of view - and filter out unqualified em
Following up a surprise of Thanks-to-Dad HTC HD7 Windows Phone and my new-joined-gadget ThinkPad, undeniably, Windows Phone OS, XNA Studio, Sliverlight will be my new toys to play around with. Ready to get wired in! A detailed review of the Windows Phone will be come to a post afterwards. Wondering why not Andriod or iPhone to create a 'Happy Family' with my Mac and iPad instead? Apparently, it will have me to lay down an over thousand words essay to refute it- too many mumbles in behind. HAHA

Last, what to describe my current situation? A limbo, I would say. Things are right on the path slowly getting their momentum ahead, however, few of the vital factors and real hassle remain unclear - that's what I really concern about. Stay on the course and keep pushing up myself - believe the things will somehow be connected with each other in the end - tenaciously.