With all due introspection and now retrospection, I feel an exciting realization had been learned throughout the whole process. 7th MICSS Science Camp was my third experience as a part of this national splashy festival. I would say, if there were one-word-definition for these three experiences, it would be the 'Exploration' for the first, 'Reach-Out' for the second and 'Understanding' for the third, for this time.
Obviously, I'm not going to spend much more time talking about the fun stories and social activities in the science camp, which most of the participants was already done the job. Instead, the 'Understanding' will be the protagonist of this entry - the understanding of the essence behind the veil of science camp, and just as much, the understanding of the seamless influence between the people and the living environment.
The Things Behind
Chong Hwa Independent High School, Kuala Lumpur was the host of this 7th MICSS Science Camp, which is one of the finest independent Chinese high school in my country. Being as one of the team leaders, I worked with the teachers and the student facilitators to make sure the whole process of the science camp was in the right pathway. I was wholly impressed in each time when we were in the meeting room discussing the related matters. First, the teachers, energetic and reverend, they tended to ensure every single tiny stuffs of the science camp would follow their way - the proper rules - ahead. We did been scolded and advised because we didn't seriously bring their instructions into account and wind up the jobs which we should completely take care of. It made sense, we deserved it. They created a phenomenon to perk up all of the working team people doing their right jobs determinedly and delibetately cut down the possibility of the occurrence of mistake.

Second, the student facilitators - the students from CHHS KL, they were another big impression I found in the science camp. They kept working, kept working and kept working under the deadline pressure. They not just worked efficiently and feverishly, but also willing to share out their ideas of coping the problems when teachers were exhausted and struck in several particular plannings - this was a very important element that I'm always talking about to my follow juniors - the involvement. I saw this spark over there which performed extraordinarily and differently from a group of machines - the machines only run the task that have been told - which produced by our sealed-minded education system. You guys were really awesome.
In the end, that kind of spirit turned out to make the 7th MICSS Science Camp become the most time-efficient and work-efficient science camp after all. So, what is the true reason in behind? I would like to cite out one word for this - Discipline. They were the great examplers of that, they did it. Discipline is the vital and fundamental principle that shape up a co-operation work. It's the result of successful leadership and organization. People might have tons of big dream and ideas, but if they forgot to hold on the underlying discipline - slowly climb up the ladder, just thinking to spring from bottom to top, they will just keep falling down, those big dream will still always be the far and unreachable dream.
"To turn really interesting ideas and fledgling technologies into a company...requires a lot of disciplines." - Steve Jobs, Apple Inc.The Difference of the Environment

One of the major reason that I love to engage in this kind of national camp/event is because I get to meet and know the people from everywhere of our country, ranging from rural area to big downtown. It's true that a group of people living in a same community would have a smiliar collective of mindset, they create their unique way of communicating with people, they follow the way what their predecessors coped with the matters, I think that's what so-called 'culture'. Another fact that, the world is so huge from an angle of view as a human being. People from every corner of the world shape their own unique culture and which is very different than others, I think we call it 'diversity'. When various 'cultures' meet with mixed 'diversities', a significant impact will happen and people starting to exchange their beliefs, perspectives, attitude and so on - It's absolutely what the chemical change behind the every camp and event. However, I noticed that, some of the students was misunderstood the concept, they were aiming just for the prizes/awards - I know, a fraction of them were under the pressure of school as well.

A good story like this: It was really an unexpected surprise when I was talking with a girl who was a senior one student from CHHS KL. She asked a lot about my post-high-school opinions and, you know, according to my past experiences, I assumed that something a senior one student might not know, I unwittingly tried to make my answer to be simple. However, I was wrong afterwards. Apart from the way she talked, she does have a clear idea of the world issues and something like SAT, AP, Ivy League - In contrary, most of the students, even the teachers in my high school would just know the 'SAT' as the past tense of 'sit'...Woe. The apparent difference as a result of the difference in both living and study environment.
So, the importance of conveying this story is to point out the uncanny problem in our current society - public ignorance. Undeniably, we might born into a small town with limited information, but all of us, in normal situation, have the same privilege to get to know the information through newspapers, internet, social works, books and so on. Here are my suggestions: Grasp the chance to talk with people when you're in front with a group of new faces, for instance, in the science camp. Secondly, read more, listen more and be enthusiastic in one or more hobbies. Make sure to follow up the current world issues and probe into the particular area that you're interested. Even though those informations would never appear in your exams or tests, but they're basically the practical wisdom and knowledge that would enrich your personal life and mold your own personality and critical thinking.
Oh ya, lastly, I would like to apologize over here for my less 'caring' on my team members. Unlike my second science camp experience, I did have plenty of time sharing and interacting with my fellow members, we had a great time over there. This time, I was rushing around and turning around throughout the science camp which turned out to have only a fleeting moment to talk and accompany with you guys. Haha. Since the social networks are ubiquitous now, let's keep in touch no matter where we're =)
Gonna stop over here now. I'm getting more sort of like anthropological-style of writing. Haha.
Seize on every opportunity to explore out yourself. The experience will be more precious than getting an award or attending a class. Think about it.