Yup, like what I promised in my last thread, here are some more interesting stories and experiences happened during Asian Science Camp 2010 that I intend to share with you all :D
-I was so surprised that Ritesh and his friends knocked my room's door when I was sleeping at HBCSE. I don't even know my blog is getting higher page rank in Google right now~Thanks for you support! :D
-I felt so lucky that I had the exclusive sightseeing at Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education which other partipants didn't have. Thanks Mohit from India for the best hospitality.
-When I was first log-in to the Facebook in India, it required me to pass throught a security progress which was a seven/five(I forgot already) 'Face-recognized' questions. I was compelled to recognize my friends' faces in 'Tagged' photos in order to get access to Facebook. Quite funny but I really witnessed the effort of Facebook team in privacy control.
-I bought a four-hour wifi-internet service in Tunga Hotel, but eventually they didn't charge me when I checked out~ Haha^^
-Continue the last stories, it seems quite difficult or impossible to get free internet service in Mumbai even at airport or hotel. Hmm, same with what I saw from some statistics reference.
-When we were using the internet service in provided computer room after dinner, one of Kazakhstan participant came close to ask Hong Kong friends about the Cantonese phrases. We taught him some 'interesting' phrases and he kept talking those 'interesting' phrases to his friends, we all burst out laughing at that moment! "样衰~" XD Even when I'm recalling it recently, I still can't help laughing about that~Haha, Full of funs and joyfulness, really a precious moment :D
-I felt very sorry that I was sleeping during some lectures or camps @@ Quite regret afterwards.
-I was so excited that ASC just like a platform full about sharing ultimate goal. Met with the people who holding the same idea and spirit was such a wonderful interaction. We exchanged our prespective in education system, development of countries and so forth. It led me to an ever profound comtemplation, I really learnt a lot. P/S: I saw someone who brought along the Common Application during ASC :D Some guys had already gained the admission to those my dream schools and some of them will going to strive for the upcoming Fall intake. It directly caught up my sight with familiarity which was the same progress I just underwent last year.
-I was so regret that I spent too less during the journey in Mumbai. Because when I exchanged India Rupee back to Malaysia Ringgit, I finally realized that the currency loss would make such a big 'impact' to my money ==
-Sorry for all the dude's invitation at that last crazy-dancing night. I try to make myself into dancing pool a short period, but I was really exhausted in both physcially and mentally. Especially as my lovely Hong Kong friends were leaving, really missed you right that time :D
-Special thanks to Hong Kong friends. Michelle, Cherry, Kelvin, Kimchi, Hong. You were so impressive, lovely, kind and helpful. Full of jokes and laughs when meeting with you all. Keep it up! Looking forward to meet with you again :)
-Credit all the friends, teachers, lectures and all the people from various countries who I met during Asian Science Camp 2010. Sorry for couldn't listed down all of you as it will be a 'long' list to go with. Hope you all receive my truly gratefulness & appreciation.
-Special thanks to my team members, they were Kaushik (India), Shaun Lim (Singapore), Kelvin (Hong Kong), Han Yu (China). You guys were so amazing! I shared my experience in poster preparation, Han Yu started citing out the idea, Shaun implemented it by using scientific evidence, Kaushik provided with solutions in our system's hindrance, I found out more informations through internet to reconstruct it and of course I won't never forget Kelvin's picture-cutting effort(Haha, just joke! Kelvin helped us a lot during group discussion and internet searching! :D). We just had few short meetings and ended up all the things within three hours in last minute of time~ Such a high efficiency work! And our effort eventually appreciated by judges as a Bronze Medal, cheer it up guy! :D
-For those my friends who curious about my poster presentation, here you are:
'Photo-Chemiosmotic Cells: Green Energy Redefined': Designing of a solar powered cell based on cyclic photophosphorylation and chemiosmosis in plant thylakoids, using relative charge concentrations across a hydrophobic membrane.
Quote from Shaun Lim :D
The whole structure and the theory of my topic can refer to the attach
photo which showing the obvious explanation with diagram of our ideal system:

Good one. I told you in the first meeting wifi & speed is quite problematic in India. And yeah as promised will definitely contribute to its development in India(Remember your promise too). And Thanks to you that my website is also getting very high ratings and visits. Coming to dance, will always call you a Geek. :-D
ReplyDeleteAside:Hey should I add Google Adsense to my website like you... lol..