With full of applause , Phil Schiller was come up to his show platform(Missing to Steve Job T_T)
Firstly,Phil Schiller introduced about the sales situation of Apple Store.There are about 34 million people visit for the Apple Store pre week.
Last year , Apple absolutely sale out 97 million Mac , this increase is double if compare with among other IT company sales.Then , Phil Schiller was introducing the new iPhoto 09 and also that iLife 09.iPhoto 09 had added a new function "Face recognition" that iPhoto 09 photo store can automatic recognize the people look photo and divide into different group automatically.
Otherwise , iPhoto 09 also added the "GPS Geotagging" and "Places" function that can let our more easier divide and store the photo information.The GPS function will also support to the Google Earth certainly.
In addition , iPhoto 09 also added the Facebook and Flickr support.
Previewing of the iPhoto 09:
Certainly , iPhone can be support the iPhoto 09 new function by install the new plugin.
Ooooops....getting sleep..why still photo?
iMovie 09 come.
The new iMovie 09 interface.
Randy Ubilos started showing that iMovie 09.There are full of easy edit function , full of effect ,output HD video and more.
GarageBand 09 come.
This software had a new online music learning course,each course cost 4.99USD.
Meanwhile , we can using this software to learning and sharing the creative of music with a lot of musician and artist.
iLife will sale on late January 2009 .iLife 09 cost 79USD and family package will cost 99USD.
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