1.00pm , luckily,the sky was so clear that we could completely observe the Sun by using our "DIY Sun Glasses" and the Orion XT-8 Telescope with Solar Filter that belongs to Astronomy Club new chairman,Wong Kok Ann.
It was a short event,ended at 2.10pm as students were already backed to their classrooms for the afternoon class.However,it is only the first event that held by Astronomy Club on 2009,I think that will become more successful and more attractive to everyone on our upcoming events.
I missed out the most attractive picture which crowd of student gazing the sun though our astronomy devices.
Shot by using my Sony Cyber-Shot Camera with "DIY Sun Glasses".What a nice Sun!:)

Ya,right,this is our "DIY Sun Glasses" :) Guess how to do it?Winner will get a free "DIY Sun Glasses" Haha^^
A student gazing at the sun.
A student was observing the sun by using our telescope.
Hehe,a funny picture~(I am not inside of it -_-)
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