But,this year is different.The Partial Solar Eclipse can be visible to us on my hometown,Kluang's sky.Hence,I had held a Solar Eclipse Observe Event with Robin who is the great graduate of Chong Hwa High School and one of my life leader too.As aim to attract and share this amazing astronomical phenomena to great majority hometown's people,we had chosen the Kluang Mall where is the biggest supermarket in Kluang as our event's location.
4.30pm,after got the admission from Kluang Mall,we were starting made up our equipment.Oops!How terrible!We found out that we had late a bit,the Partial Solar Eclipse already started!
4.50pm,there were became many and many curious peoples joined to our event."Wow!Wow!"this was the sound that can be heard most on this time.All of them was expressing fully excited on it.
5.50pm,here was the time of the Partial Solar Eclipse been "eat" most.We can felt the light of the sun became weaker than another time.
6.10pm,shit~the sun was masked by the cloud,seem like it meant that we only can end up our event.
There were about 500 peoples joined in this event.I was pleased and enjoyed to share this gorgeous phenomena to all the peoples.Wish everyone got a memorable Chinese New Year!

This is me!hehe


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