Monday, May 11, 2009

Performed on the Innovation Competition

Following the last thread,here are some picture which took by teacher during that day.

I am introducing the main function of my innovation product with Keynote.

There were my school teacher and also the judgment of this Innovation Competition.

Headmaster came over too.

I just passed up my innovation report to participle in the ACCCIM Young Innovators Programme Chinese Independent High School STI Compeition today,wish will have a nice result over there.^^

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ooops~Working Hard T_T

Ooops~It's fake!I suddenly found out that I haven't update my blog since last mid of the April,it was nearly one month ago~wow

It was so busy recently,lots of homework and lots of thing need to complete.Especially,I had paid all my recent two weeks for the Innovation Competition.It was a hard work.I had already completed and showed up it at 4 May 2009,which the Innovation Competition exhibiting date.My product seem like got a great feedback during that day,it was even attracted the headmaster's sight and received a great support from him.However,I still waiting for the final result untill today,wish it will still going by what I hope for.^^ Oh!I forget to tell one thing,my innovation product is call Uninterrupted Car Cooling System(U.C.C.S)Is it cool?Haha,I will reveal it on here soon.

Another thing,there will have a 2oth International Invention Innovation & Technology Exhibition(Simply,we call it ITEX 09)held on K.L next week.This exhibition brings together a showcase of inventions and innovations by universities, research institutions, and individual inventors and from the corporate sectors from the Asean, Asia and Europe countries.Obviously,a great and excited exhibition can be expected.Otherwise,Malaysia Young Inventors Exhibition (MYIE 09) will also exhibit as concurrent over there.My school headmaster also got informed me about this event and I am still finding whether I can get the chance to attend it.