My Thinking

List of My Thinking

Here is a collection of my thinking about everything before my eyes, which can be either a so-called 'conclusion' of particular circumstance or a sentence or quote emerges from my mind after undergoing some precious experience. Those are my invaluable philosophy of enjoying my life. 'Be inspire by inspiring people', which I always believe. I think it will be a good idea to share with you all. Who know you may somehow need them in your life? Right? :)

Of course the list is updating-based :D

•  Don't be too anxious to get work done. Sometime, it's OK to slow down our step, rest a while and free your mind. But don't get used to it. Don't cite it as the excuse of hindering you toward the path of success. We still need to keep looking afterwards with an ever better spirit.  - 30 Nove 2010, feeling totally exhausted after a sort of mentally taxing speculation. But I won't just stop.

•  Being morose isn't the worst place to be. Instead, when a person embrace bunch of wonderful happiness but been forbidden to share them, it's merely the worst and worst to be. - 9 November 2010, sometime, it's quite hard to find out a person who really understand you and listen to you. It's so cruel for being lonly without sharing.

•  Cherish the percious moment with your lovely family and friends. Life is beatiful, when you tread it softly. - 6 November 2010, just back from my grandpa funeral. Once again recalling my mind to truly love my life.

•  Three things in life you should never lose - Hope, Peace, Honesty - 30 October 2010, I can't understand why there exist people who willing to lose their hope, honesty, peace because of wealth.

•  When you're screwing up and nobody's saying anything to you anymore, that means they gave up. Is that when you see yourself doing something badly and nobody's bothering to tell you anymore, that's a very bad place to be. Their critics are your ones telling you they still love you and care.  - 5 October 2010, quoting from one of the lectures of Randy Pausch. This is the occasion we usually face. Listen and respect to the people who care about you, they criticize you not for the sake of blaming you but improving you.

•  Believe yourself in term of conscience, ethics and faith. Don't trap by a sense of superiority because of wealth. Listening to your inner voice, following your heart. - 3 October 2010, knowing quite a number of my friends was coaxed by wealth (Ok, I used to call it Fast Cash) into doing a kind of 'irresponsible business'.

• It's always great to have an ambition. It shows you an instant clarity of vision and an obvious direction of your following steps, which crucial steps will determine victory or defeat. - 26 September 2010, after deciding to make a significant change in my current study plan, I really thrill about it!

• Hard work is not just staying up late to finish your homework. It's not just spending whole day for study in a mentally exhausted manner. Hard work is a combination of working smart and working focused. It's not about the hours you put in; it's about what those hours produce. - 10 September 2010, after reading the Hopless to Harvard, I realized this just this just the simple secret of success.

• Whenever comes to quarrel with your lovely friends, parents and so forth. Don't shadow it. Leave your fingers down on the table. Talk about it! It's always easier than you thought. - 1 September 2010, wholly relieved after discussing the problem about my study plan with my parents. It's always good to make thing clear rather than keep overshadowing it with clueless. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome.......Keep posting David... :)

    - -
    IIT Madras
