Friday, June 25, 2010

iPhone 4 Launch Day Marred By Display & Signal Issues

The iPhone 4 was released into the grubby hands of Apple fanboys and girls in the selected countries today amidst long lines and clapping and cheering Apple Store staff. While it's not available here and we would have loved to give you a series of gadget-pornesque unboxing photos, these guys do it better anyway.

Well it's not all fun and games for the people who spent hours lining up for one of these phones, as launch day was marred by a few problems. Remember the beautiful retina display we were salivating over? Crystal clear picture making my iPhone 2G look like a 8bit console game? Well its been reported over at Engadget that 55% of new iPhone owners are experiencing a pale yellow spot in the bottom right corner, or even somewhere else on screen.

Even more worrying is that in the case of some iPhone 4's, which hand you hold it in determines the signal strength and subsequently if your call gets dropped or not! Apparently, due to the new design of the phone, holding it in your left palm will essentially bridge the 2 antennae, leading to a drop in calls. in the same poll 72% are experiencing a fluctuation in signal when they use their left hand (Not necessarily drop calls). Apparently, using the Apple "bumper" accessory makes everything a-ok again. I didn't believe this at first, but check out the video after the jump to see a demonstration from insanely great mac.

The figures may seem high, but don't fret. This poll was done in the most unscientific way possible, via the internet and Engadget. The numbers will be definitely WAY higher than what it really is, but the fact that the problems are present at all in a groundbreaking device can't help but worry me.While I don't think this problem is as common as they make it out to be, it's still a problem nonetheless.

Let's hope Apple fix the issues before the iPhone 4 lands on our shores.

(Source: Insanely Great Mac via Engadget (1) (2) )

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